Election conditions

European elections

Conditions to vote in the European elections

To vote in the European elections, an elector must:

  1. be a national of Luxembourg or of another member state of the European Union;
  2. be at least 18 years of age on the day of the election;
  3. enjoy civil rights and not have been stripped of the right to vote either in Luxembourg or in their home country;

Luxembourg nationals residing abroad may vote in the European elections by postal vote;

While Luxembourg nationals are automatically registered on electoral lists, nationals of other EU member states must register on these lists.

Conditions to stand for election in the European elections

To stand for election one must:

  1. be a national of Luxembourg or of another member state of the European Union;
  2. enjoy civil rights and not have been stripped of the right to vote either in Luxembourg or in their home country;
  3. be at least 18 years of age on the day of the election;
  4. for Luxembourg nationals: be domiciled in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg; for nationals of another member state of the European Union, be domiciled in Luxembourg and have lived there for at least five years at the time the list of candidates is submitted;
  5. nationals of other EU member states must produce the following supporting documents for their candidacy:
    • a formal statement specifying: 
      • their nationality and address in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg; 
      • where applicable, on which electoral list of the constituency or local community in the home member state they were last registered; 
      • that they are not standing for election in the European elections of another member state at the same time;
      • a certificate from the competent administrative authorities of the home member state certifying that they are not stripped of the right to stand for election in that state or that a lapse is not known to these authorities;
    • a valid identity document.

People who have been convicted of criminal offences, people who are deprived of the right to vote as a result of correctional sanctions, and majors in guardianship.