Voting is an act that allows people with disabilities to exercise their political rights effectively and to influence, even indirectly, decisions that may affect them. In practice, however, there are still obstacles limiting the effective exercise of their rights.

As stated in Article 29 of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD), the State must ensure that access to elections is facilitated, among other things through procedures accessible to all.
As part of the implementation of the CRDP, the Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities has recommended that the State of Luxembourg should:
- "Take the necessary legislative and other measures to ensure that persons with disabilities can participate in political and public life on an equal basis with others, including exercising their right to vote;
- To ensure that electoral procedures and voting facilities and materials are adapted and accessible to all persons with disabilities, including in sign language, Braille and easy-to-read language;
- To promote the participation of people with disabilities, including women with disabilities, in political life and public decision-making."
As a result, the Ministry of Family Affairs, Integration and the Greater Region has included the topic of participation in political life in its national action plan for implementing the CRDPH 2019-2024 in ordre to put into practice the recommendations of the CRDPH committee of experts.
To guarantee the rights of people with disabilities, the government is working with various partners to ensure that voting procedures, equipment and materials are appropriate, accessible and easy to understand and use:
The "Accessibility of polling stations" brochure (French)
One of the main principles of the CRDPH is full and effective participation and integration in society, and more particularly equal participation of all in elections. It is therefore essential to ensure access to polling stations for people with reduced mobility.
The brochure "Accessibility of polling stations", published by Info-Handicap in collaboration with the "Klaro" Centre of Competence for Easy Language, is aimed at local authorities and calls on them to take the necessary measures to ensure that everyone can exercise their right to vote.
Description of "Check Politik"
"Check Politik" is a series of easy-to-read booklets published by the Zentrum fir politesch Bildung and Klaro. The content is written according to the specific rules of easy language, particularly with regard to sentence length and syntax, choice of words and layout (more information at
The aim is to make information on political and social issues accessible to as many people as possible, thereby encouraging them to exercise their right to vote. The booklets are aimed at the general public and in particular at people with learning or reading difficulties.
With a view to the parliamentary elections on 8 October 2023, the "Luxembourg elects its parliament" issue has been updated. This booklet, published with the participation of the Ministry of Family Affairs, Integration and the Greater Region and the Ministry of Education, Children and Youth, provides basic information on the parliamentary elections in simple language.
The booklets in German, French and English can be downloaded on the website or under the "Accessibility" tab.
Printed copies in German and French can also be ordered from
If you have any questions, please contact Annaïk Garin:
Description of the easy-to-read instructions
In preparation for the upcoming legislative elections, the Zentrum fir politesch Bildung has produced easy-to-read voting instructions in French and German. This publication describes the various options for completing the ballot paper correctly. Communes can distribute it to their citizens, publish it in the communal bulletin or on their website. They may also add the local authority logo at the bottom of the page. If you have any questions, please contact Annaïk Garin:
Invitation and instructions to voters in "Leichte Sprache" (easy language)
The polling card and instructions to voters will be published in "Leichte Sprache" (easy language) by the APEMH's "Klaro" competence centre for easy language.
Internet site
All information regarding election-related projects will be published in an accessible form on the official election website
Exchange evenings with politicians and voters
Information sessions providing explanations of the political parties' programme points will be organised so that all voters can exercise their political rights correctly. These sessions are aimed at people who have difficulty understanding political programmes. Members of the political parties will be invited to take an active part in these sessions. Information about these sessions will be published on
Introduction of the right to vote for adults under guardianship
With the amendments made to electoral law by the entry into force of the Act of 29 June 2023, adults placed under guardianship now have the right to vote and can therefore take part on polling day. To ensure that this new option is not used to their disadvantage if the person in question is not capable of expressing his or her political choice, adults under guardianship will be excused automatically and will therefore not be prosecuted if they fail to exercise their right to vote.
Extension of the possibility of using a guide on polling day
Article 79 of the Electoral Law has also been amended to allow voters who are under guardianship or who have a long-term visual, physical, mental, intellectual or sensory disability to be accompanied by a guide on polling day in the polling booth.
Tactile voting model
In collaboration with the Centre pour le développement des compétences relatives à la vue (CDV), the government will provide voters with visual disabilities with a tactile voting model on polling day. This tactile voting model will be available at each polling station and can also be ordered by the voter directly from the CDV to be made available to the voter when they have opted to vote by post.
Transport to the polling station for disabled people with reduced mobility
Users of the Adapto special transport service who hold an Adapto card can travel to the polling station using the Adapto service. Journeys to and from the polling station will not be deducted from the quota of annual Adapto journeys from which they benefit. To request such a service, users can call the service on 2465-2465, or make a reservation using the mobile application by selecting "Elections/Wahlen".
Opening hours of the Call Centre:
- Monday - Friday 06.45 am - 7.00 pm;
- Saturday, Sunday: 9 am - 4.30 pm.
Please note that the number of vehicles available is limited.
Layout of the ballot paper
For the first time, the ballot paper will reproduce the logos of the political parties to make it easier to read and complete for people with sensory or cognitive disabilities.
In addition, adaptations have been made to the appearance of the ballot paper (e.g. adapted font, added contrasts, etc.) to make the ballot paper accessible to visually impaired voters.
Press release by the Ministry of State and the Ministry of Family Affairs, Integration and the Greater Region